Mandalas around the World

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What is a Mandala?

The word mandala translates to “circle” in Sanskrit.  At its simplest, it is a repeating pattern made of shapes and colors that often have a symbolic meaning.

When we think of mandalas, many people usually first think of the beautiful Mandalas found in Tibetan Buddhism or in Hinduism.  In those religions, the mandala is object of meditation and is used for spiritual development.  For example, in Tibetan Buddhism, the mandala  symbolizes the universe with the highest deity being in the center.

Are Symbolic Circles only found in India and Tibet?

Symbolic circles are found in many cultures and religions all around the world. Once you start paying attention to them, you will begin to see them everywhere!

Some examples of symbolic circles used around the world include:

  • The Rose Window in Notre Dame and other European Cathedrals
  • Native American medicine wheels
  • Dream catchers
  • Patterns on textiles
  • Sacred geometrical patterns like the Flower of Life
  • Celtic knots
  • The Mayan calendar
  • The list goes on

Mandalas are also seen in the repeating patterns of nature:

  • Snowflakes
  • Lotus blooms
  • Spiral arms of galaxies
  • The sun, moon, and other celestial bodies

Why Color in Mandalas?

Coloring a mandala can be a relaxing and meditative experience.  While coloring in the patterns, some people experience a feelings of well being and a sense of deep calm.

Coloring mandalas has also been found to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Calm anxiety
  • Reduce pain
  • Focus the mind

Want to Color a Mandala?

Check out our list of free coloring pages that you can download and print from this website.If you’d rather color using a bound book, here are some popular Mandala Coloring Books available on Amazon.

See our Newest Coloring Pages:

Ornamental Star Mandala
Finding Hope Mandala
Hearts in Harmony Mandala Coloring Page
Link image to Rainy Day coloring page

You might also like these coloring pages:

Link to Candle Mandala
Mandala Coloring Page (M136)
Autumn Mandala Coloring Page (M194)
Mandala coloring page
