This free printable mandala coloring page makes a unique printable craft.
The 4-sided mandala is perfect for beginners and people who prefer mandalas with fewer details. It is a relaxing way to explore your creativity.
Need some Color Inspiration?
Here’s an example of what this picture could look like after you color it in:

The dreamlike fantasy colors of this waterfall were the inspiration for coloring in this sample of the coloring page. The purples, blues, and a bit of orange from the late afternoon sky made a beautiful color combination.

Now it’s your turn to pick out colors and make your own piece of mandala art!
You are welcome to use the color palette I used. Or have fun picking out your own color theme.
Free to Download and Print:
This mandala coloring sheet is free to download and print. Use your printer or print it at a local printing store, school, or library. Then grab your favorite coloring supplies and color it in.
This coloring page is a printable pdf file that fits on 8.5 x 11 inch paper.