This free printable mandala coloring page is a unique printable craft.
The 4 sided mandala in this coloring sheet is a relaxing way to explore your creativity. Perfect for adults and older kids.
Need some Color Inspiration?
Here’s an example of what this picture could look like after you color it in:

The calming colors of a tropical island get-away were the inspiration for coloring in this sample of the coloring page. The cool blues and greens made a relaxing color combination.

Now it’s your turn to pick out colors and make your own piece of art!
You are welcome to use the color palette I used. Or have fun picking out your own color theme.
Free to Download and Print:
This mandala coloring sheet is free to download and print. Use your printer or print it at a local printing store, school, or library. Then grab your favorite coloring supplies and color it in.
This coloring page is a printable pdf file that fits on 8.5 x 11 inch paper.