Heart Mandala Coloring Page (M155)

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Heart mandala coloring page. Free printable design.

This sweet coloring page has a lot of hearts on it. Hearts are wonderful symbols because they symbolize love.

Here are 4 ideas to get your creativity flowing for this coloring page!

  1. Color it in as a way to celebrate you. Spend time filling the designs with whatever colors you desire. Let this be a relaxing way to accept and love yourself.
  2. Print out 2 or more copies and give a copy to a friend or family member. Then each of you can color in the coloring pages at the same time.
  3. Print one copy and color it in with someone you love. This is a perfect coloring page for a parent and child to color in together. It would also be fun for kids to color in with their grandparents or another favorite relative!
  4. Color it in as a gift. Show someone how special they are!

Color Palette Inspiration

Need some color inspiration? Here’s one idea of what this heart mandala coloring page might look like after being colored.

This color combination uses analogous colors. Analogous colors are colors that are near each other on the color wheel. I used pink, purple, and blue. I added some white for accents.

Pink, purple, and blue color wheel with analogous colors.
Pink, purple, and blue color inspiration

Now it’s your turn to pick out colors.

What colors remind you of love and hearts? Bright reds are a great traditional color for love and hearts, but you don’t have to limit yourself to that. Have fun exploring different colors. And if you need to start over, just download and print another copy!

This Coloring Page is Free to Download and Print:

Use you own printer or print it at a local printing store, school, or library. Then grab your favorite coloring supplies and color it in!

This coloring page is a printable pdf file that fits on 8.5 x 11 inch paper.

Note: Coloring pages on this website are for non-commercial use only. For more information, see Terms of Use.
Difficulty downloading? More Info.

See our Newest Coloring Pages:

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